News and opinions from Broklyn Beats Records and Applecore Mailorder.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Radio Ruido

Firstly, our new Pure Fire 2007 Summer megamix is out online for only $5!!! Whereas the previous mix had all 4 of us doing separate mixes, this one has us mashing shit up in Ableton for a more consolidated view of our record boxes... and look at what dubstep would sound like if it was invented in Atlanta...

There's been plenty of dopes sounds coming off the web lately, namely DJ /Rupture's new weekly program on WFMU on Tuesdays from 7 - 8. His debut kicked off with Drop the Lime in-studio droppibg some of his wicked new sounds before tromping off to Europe for a month. It's archived here.

Our own Disco Rallado program has been on hiatus for over a year, but our sponsor has upgraded to the new Openserver title and can be found here with plenty of groovey stuff, namely a Wordsound interview.

Also online is a big new release from Les Trolls available for free download here. It culls live music from their recent tour of the Middle East...

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